Love Poem: Remember
Daniel Berg Avatar
Written by: Daniel Berg


Break my heart again and again,
Thoughtless words you speak at me,
What you think I want to hear,
Just proving what you fail to see.
Choices you make, love you take,
Spin the words, my fault you say,
Self-destruction, for whose sake?
In the end we all have to pay.
I gave you all I had to give,
Happiness it did not create,
I can see you, I can understand,
It's you that you hate.
You blame this, you blame that,
Nothing can ease your pain,
Lashing out, erecting walls,
Driving me away, in vein.
I will always cherish the life we had,
The time we spent when you were free,
Something changed, for the bad,
I just wish you could see.
If this is what you truly want,
Consider it done,
Enjoy yourself, find that thing,
Go and have some fun.
All I hope is that you remember,
That last embrace under the midnight sun.