Remember Me Cold wet coastal today I escaped Sat myself behind a sanctuary The rain beating rhythms On window panes Hot coffee and brandy Warm inside The Athena Café Radio spends its missed tuning Hissing tinny tunes Love songs Of losing Love songs of having Love sings Of wanting Blank the grey sky Flattering dreaming thoughts meander On emotions wandering Focus themselves With photographic memories I see The smile White satin dressed Curls of auburn red All I fell for All I lived for My Princess Her crown tilted The mischievous angels Of her I sigh As my fingers remember They once ran themselves Through your hair As my lips in accord Re-taste the peach Of kisses I once knew Sometime so long ago I can hear your voice Silent echo A touch in my soul Sentient it is Hieroglyphic speaks Reverberating something Deep and known My eyes replay moments Of vague tactile loving These trespasses And these memories wishing Batter at some-where’s Deeping Inside of me Aching Longing Word forms swirl In printed pages of you And send messages of distance So far from me So far From you To a horizon which is Part of me Out into grey meridians My heart travels While my seconds record The splitter and splatter Of rain on the window pane Looking back at me With your reflection Another cigarette My coffee cold And nothing but froth The heat of my brandy Matches the twists of floating smoke Sends my thoughts out riding point To the cavalry of clouds With the banner of love Rides wing-ed horses With fire on their hooves Lifts all this nescient knowing Rushes headlong To you Tiny rippled pools Drop on the sheen Dark colours anew Of rain fall continues One more coffee No more brandy Time to leave slowly And some how find an end For this poetry Find a way to Morse code my heart Out into expansive skies And wrap my arms Around you I remember the home Of holding you The rain has stopped