Love Poem: Resolution
Joe Dimino Avatar
Written by: Joe Dimino


The old tries not 
to leave on the Eve,

rolling up its nasty sleeve,

wanting to remain -- 
creating a new year
of even greater havoc -- 

It is like that, with bad habits:

may they be persons or things
addictions are like boomerang'
flings -- their sole purpose in
life, to persist and return though 

let us make fresh resolve

Hear our fervent prayer, oh
Father!~ alone, we cannot more
bear...asking that all our burdens
you now mercifully share -- as we
humbly beseech intercession, on our 
behalf, by Your Risen Christ!

In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and 
of The Holy Spirit -- whatever our battles be, Fate's 
terrifying fit, we will not fear it -- Amen. Amen. 
Amen. Amen. All loving, ever Ruling God!