Restoring Peaceful Purpose
What is our primal purpose
for continuing this troubling relationship?
asked Yang of Yin.
If you are clueless
then you have not been listening
to us
as actively as nondual times would predict,
replied Yin against Yang.
For me,
this purpose is to enjoy Sacred MotherEarth,
but I preferred to hear yours first,
your speaking grace
where silence contemplatively rules,
replied Yang more gently back to Yin.
As we both well know,
for me
each space is time sufficient
for ecological gratitude,
neither mere secular reasons of nature
nor more romantic euphoria of serene spirits
planting as you harvest what we more cooperatively nurture,
defined Yin toward Yang.
We are
this yintegrity of gratitude
for enjoying MotherEarth's outdoor Golden Ruling places
Golden Ratio Voices
Golden Elixir Schools for learning sacred ecology,
ecopolitics of cooperativity
as geese form immigration journeys
as co-emigrant bilateral functions of democracy
riding winds back and forth above waters
washing streams of cooperative fertile time,
integrity of you and me
as spacetime wu-wei We,
sings Yang while Yin dances
through mutually enjoying gratitude,
singing grace
dancing rhythms
of EarthMother's fire-circle ecstasy.
What are primal relationships
for continuing this troubling dance?
asked YinWater under YangWinds
revolving Sacred EarthTime
together integrity.