Retired Souls In Rhyme Confide
I fear as I drip my word
Teardrops would be overheard
No verse shall set its rhythm or whine
I dread my anguish is seen as I rhyme
Whatever deep into my soul unable to mute
I wholly surrender to the magic of the flute
To bring the sublime into the mundane is insane
My world of poetry, in your glossary no word for strain
Blind to the divine truth we wander astray
Tempted by sick feelings we fall an easy prey
Of all the stages, one and only age
When the Self falls into the clutches of rage
Granted is the time to ponder and reap
What is sown of seeds of wonder so deep
I’m not the wise of these keywords beauty
Just an ardent learner of Mother Nature’s bounty
Hope inside shall reside
Faith can stand the whole ride
Pain to the word would subside
Brave hearts survive emotions tide
Retired souls in rhyme confide.