Love Poem: Revival
Jessica Cunningham Avatar
Written by: Jessica Cunningham


Children of the macrocosmic implosion
grow the seeds of bioluminescent oxytocin
Symbiotic by design, the prana and the potion
That dihydrogen monoxide flow of all word spoken
Existential kintsugi thaws out every heart frozen
and gilds the cracks in every single circle unbroken 
Those chosen? 
Those awoken here to serve in devotion 
with the motion of the ocean
Salt of Earth for the wounds that will open
We, the tides that choose to rise 
Open eyes and light the skies
We, the lanterns on the darkest paths
Compasses that guide
So we stay loyal to the mission
Seek absolution of division
Bring the North, the South, the East, the West
a centralized vision
A whole revision, it's vital
A microcosmic revival
Let the ripples make the waves that lift us
out of survival
DIY EMF from inside you
Evergreen that exhales to ignite you
Eat the fruits of the Spirit that light you
and watch the Universe grow to provide you