Love Poem: Revolutionary Story
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Revolutionary Story

They called their gang The ReVolutionaries,
my Father Sun and Mother Earth drew time with them,
but they often called themselves Yang and Yin,
respectively and mutually respectful
yet privately erotic,
not so much politically and economically
where Yang could not fit in for rabid competition
and Yin could not alone float
her dipolar WinWin 
health-care priority boat.

Where was I in my Creation Geneology,

Once again
you did not get past much of a preliminary introduction,
without me,
Sugar Daddy Yang.

Oh yes,
Father Sun and Mother Earth
got together co-gravitationally,
first creating a nondual revolution
out of spacetime's co-arising
and revolving fractal-seasoned syntax,
natural systemic order of healthy evolution,
as not-not pathologically dual-dark spiritual devolution,
probably too much Yin-recessive
in this Yang-dominant Creation Story.

Even so,
Father Sun with Mother Earth
revolved their bilateral health potential.
Then, next time you know,
here you are,
bangin around with too-dominant Left-brained Yang,
slippin' in some wise ol' tough love,
stirrin' up your Owl with your Moose Medicine
for stronger regenerative tissue issues,
still struggling between SunLight view
and EarthPower feel,
prime RNA-balanced
in/exformating regenerative health 
and safe wealth relationship
bicamerally climatic 
neural-temporal boundary tissue,
or is it the Other's way?

So confusing
all this time travel apposition 
and dialectical health language

Circling toward your lovely
and always mindful
DiPolar Here/Now
in self-refining, reiteratively flowing
spring of love's rich nurturing water 
and nutritional soil

Soul mating YangHeaven's fire warm photosynthetic
co-redemptively climaxing air

Surf elating YinEarth's regenerate occupation,
living still within our TransParent Elder co-passion
of which we each share equal DNA/RNA
neurosystemic win/win 
Implicate-Concave Orders 
of muse rhythm 
amusing sage pattern 
and 4/4 sacred music syntax

Folding and unfolding octaves,
holonic-Holy Exegetical Scripture
composting space/time's revolutionary health
through TransParent CoOperating Golden Rule
of Prime (0)-soul/soil, 
PolyCultural Prime Relationship.

That's nice, Daddy Yang,
having said all that,
I'm wondering if I might add
that as I most kindly remember,
there are two sides to every ReCreationStory,
one is Ego's Yang Exterior Universal view,
while EcoOther Yin echoes 
our Interior Landscape
nondual unitarian love 
for co-empathic curiosity
Rich nutritional experience,
co-elational choices of primal feeling 
intimate knowing
Yang/Yin is healthier 
embracing lose some BusinessAsUsual
to win some Yintegral CoOperative Wisdom.

Yet even this wu wei PermaCulturing Bilateral Story
is not the Fat Lady Death's Door final message you are fearing
within Time's WinWin EcoRevolutionary
0-soul Creation Story

Of a Heaven/Earth self-optimizing 
health and safe wealth network
with cooperative poli-economic communion guilds
nurturing 0-greed co-investment 
through co-infested
ego/ecosystemic-balancing glory,
cooperating our Win/Win Mutual PolyCreation Story.

namaste for your generous and kind-natured
right-time unitarian reminder,
to win dialogical Solitaire,
not only does Yang Ego
think therefore I Win,
but nondual co-arising of Right-time's sequence
and dialect
syntaxed cards of Other
cooperatively win this balancing fractal 4 prime
principle of steering co-gravitational positivity,
implied predelivery connectors and progenitors 
of ReGenetic-Health Optimization

Most sacred Positive BiCameral Psychology
of more humane natural ego/eco systems,
RNA-iconic ionic,
BlackPower full-dipolar synaptic 
absorbs WhiteLight aptic noise 
panentheistic TransParentcy, 
and vice versa 
with reverse-temporal imaging 
ego inside eco-conscious
Me/We capacity
for spiraling Yintegrity.

We are both SunPrickly Right
and EarthGooey Left
more truly balanced as body-health/mind-wealth seekers,
health optimizers,
ego/ecotherapeutic lovers 
of light/power balance,
evolving a wind/water Deductive/Inductive ConScience
of BiNomial (0)-Centric 4D body/mind
as our CoOperative Creation Story.

Group Theory's 1/0 co-arising crown/root
implied dipolar function 
as double-bound pole/hole
could be fractally expressed:
prefold full-4 revolutionary Primal Balance,
inside-double-negative with outside co-binary
dynamic di/bi-partisan revolving
waving-linear Tao wu-wei
principle of egoLight/ecoPower 
CrownMind/RootBody balance.

PolyNomial ++ evolves WinWin equivalent
to LoseLose (--) NotNot PolyNomial 4D
space/time prime 0-centric
Origin Point of Language and Scripture
toward future's (0)MegaPoint BiNomial ReCreation Story
as Present Here/Now

Our timeless invitation into full wealthy love
life as co-empathic bicameral health-positive,
restrained only by its absence,

Heading toward climatic long-term TransParent trauma
of chronic stress,
sleep deprivation,
overly competitive anthro v eco systems 
of all paradigmatic 
and polymorphic varieties,
and crappy nightmare 
death and dying dreams.

Earth space power
grows with Heaven time's light
as neuro-syntaxed memory folds and unfolds,
refolds and prefolds revolutionary systemic transitions,
emerging Full-PolyCultural

Beloved PolyPathic 
BiCameral Communicating
CoPassionate LoveNow-LifeHere
CoCreation His/HerStory

Was that my Fat Yintegrity Lady?

Now you know I am just right for you.
You're the one getting too hefty
for your own internal and external health capacity.

Maybe I need more exercise.

Maybe you need to get off me,
and help me paddle...
Did I say "paddle"?

Yes, love
I know,
you intend to go with flow
empowering our ReVolution Creation Story.