Love Poem: Rhythms of Light
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Rhythms of Light

Gentle moments, 
Heartfelt dreams, promises,
The windswept feelings, 
Elations, quivering like a candle,
Reflecting all the wonders,
The stillness in a breath, 
Awakening the moments,
Starving for the kiss,
Laughing like the moments
Are gestures of grace….

Glimpses of light,
Falling over the spirit,
Healing, lessons,
Brilliant flames in crimson,
Needless to say,
She is like the brave risktaker,
Music pouring from her heart,
Whispering light,
Lingering on the soul,
Who knows, just knows…

Glories in lessons,
When I judge the actions,
Recording fears, tears,
Bleeding with tired words,
Rhymes, and rhythms,
Details in verse,
Visions of souls, painted,
On the voices of darkness,
Heedless, like the day,
When sunset reminds us,
Forever, destiny…

Giving the heart
A second thought, a chance
Beyond the fears,
Who compromise through tears,
Erasing the past,
Where shadows grow
And healing flows
Through the subtle rivers,
Yesterday’s feelings,
Erasing the gray, 
Replacing it with praise,
Yes, praise…

I don’t want to judge,
Should I judge,
Like a pharisee, injustice,
Rising up
To destroy the very soul,
I hope to save,
With His love, His ways…

Seeking, seeking
Like the dance of light,
Raining insight,
Glorious, it abides,
On the night, softest light,
Healing and revealing,
Love far more alive,
More beautiful than poetry,
More alive than the art’s joy,
More like life with One
Who abides inside those,
Who believe…

Believe and receive…
Knowing He is worthy,
He is worthy…

The lamb who brings peace
The lamb who sees…
Through the darkest grief,
To the sounds who breath…
Love that He brings,
Love that sounds like grace
Love that is His sincerity.
Love that is Jesus’ reality!

Let Him love you and believe,
When You praise,
Realizing His way…
Is the way of faith, the way of grace,
The way of love that has a name…
When He arose, we were never the same,
We’re never going to be the same.
And, it is this love He gave – His love
Is to blame… He is to blame,
For bringing love that will forever remain,
Forever, eternally, breathing light,
Pouring out love that is a collection of grace,
Faith, and peace… wonderful 
That can never be outdone – because He is the SON!
The One who is LOVE!

	The ONE who is love!