Riddled Heart
I cannot stay with your riddled heart,
One minute you love, than you tear it apart,
There is no substance there to bind,
Your words are like a jeckle n hide,
One day one way and then another way the next,
My mind can no longer keep up with your mess,
It saddens me to see the confusion you feel,
Unable to differentiate in your heart what's real,
When your ground starts to shake, I look for anything to hold on,
You have put me through hell, and you can't see how your wrong,
When I turn my head to avoid, your right there in my face,
Please...can I breathe, can you give my heart space,
You notice the avoidance, and yet beg me to stay,
My heart is not a yo yo, and this is not a game,
If you keep returning like the boy who played wolf,
I will never take you serious no matter what you do.