Riding the Romantic Comedy Rollercoaster
Into the darkness with adventurous fantasies at stake
Wondering how much this creative experience
Will actually make
It was only a few months ago
One’s mind played out the moving picture show
A funny friendly rollercoaster ride the characters did take
Following an author’s imaginary directions filled with dips and turns for heaven’s sake
Why do you put them through this?
When the protagonist only wanted was a mutual embracing credit crawling kiss
Conflicts were in sight
When they could feel a big fright
While enjoying being high and ready to touch the sky
In love encountering the beautiful vibe
Until seconds later there is a drop that had so many feet
Making a setting not so sweet
Things started moving fast
Sailing along like an angry gust hitting an enchanting mast
Eventually the writer slows it down
Penning an apology not requesting a frown
Once again the action starts to rise
When one of the characters mistakenly speaks dialogue
Filled with lies
Chains start to pull than release
All the characters are still at peace
Before the natural force
Runs its course of sorts
Totally safe this scripted affair
Having all the amusements one fetishes if they dare
Does the talent know?
There is a happy ending for the dame and the beau
While letting the passengers go
Having an upset feeling
From all the reeling
The rider asks, “Do you want to do it again?”
Contacting the agent to decide when
Knowing a story never actually has an end
As new characters embark
For another trip in the dark
They get comfortable in the seat
Waiting for the tantalizing treat
Received in the car
Designed to show the feelings that is dealt to the romantic comedy star