Love Poem: Risen
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


An ache colored Mary’s heart,
Erasing the joy, the soft, the hope.
She felt destroyed by that dark
Moment before three days had gone,
By, when she’d find…
He’d been moved from that tomb.

A hollow feeling, it’s emptiness,
More daunting, more fearful
Than the brink of death,
When He said, “it is finished”,
His voice keeps ringing in her head,
As she remembers… He’s dead.

A grief more lonely than she can explain,
Haunts her spirit, washes her in gray,
But, in time, her heart will find consolation,
When she discovers, He is risen,
He is showing the world that believes,
His plan, His destiny…


He is risen, Our Savior has climbed out of the tomb.
He’s given our hearts reason to assume…
Forever, our lives will be changed, we’re all new,
Pieces of His victory; yes, He always knew…
He would rise,.. a risen Savior, Jesus Christ,
Forever saved us with the life He sacrificed!