Robert Michum 7-1-97 Jimmy Stewart 7-2-97 Charles Kuralt 7-4-97
JIMMY STEWART-----7/2/97
CHARLES KURALT------7/4/97
On lifes long road, who knows where are the ends
and when the ones we love leave us alone
what words express the loss of dearest friends
held oh! so dear, whom all the world has known?
Was this their highway junction to all time?
Our grief would be too great for only one,
and three together taken, shouldn't rhyme
but brings reality now that they're gone.
Out on the road, with Charlie, Bob and Jim,
we see ourselves in all they've ever done,
as memories, some bright and others grim,
from reel to reel, and love them every one.
They told our stories, every one was real,
as if they knew exactly how we feel.
God Speed, My Friends
© ron wilson aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet