Love Poem: Room of Mirrors

Room of Mirrors

In the pouring rain many miles from home
Stuck on the side of the road with a tire 

Out in the darkness on a lonely stretch of 
country road
There in the distance
 I saw lights with a welcoming glow

I sat there for a moment but knew I had to 
venture out
The rain pounding my windshield and the 
wind whipping about

I pushed the car door with all the strength 
I could muster.
The wind pushing me back with a gale 
forced bluster.

 I managed to squeeze out into the 
howling rainy night
And started my journey to the house with 
the warm glowing light

As the wind pushed me along and the rain 
made it hard to see
I had made it! Oh what a beautiful 
wonderful sight before me.

I knocked on the door but nobody 
answered so I knocked again
But still no answer so I opened the door 
said hello as i walked in

I went from room to room looking to see 
where they could be.
I open a door and with wide eyed wonder 
there before me.

A room full of mirrors reflecting the warm 
glowing light
Something was taking me over as I stared 
at this wondrous sight

The mirrors radiating light began to 
surround and draw me in
A gentle loving pull with peace I couldn’t 
even start or begin

To explain this awesome love and peace I 
felt inside my soul
I started to jump for joy and dance around 
the room out of control.

As I passed the mirrors in dancing delight 
something caught my eye
It was a figure of a man with holes in his 
hands and a wound in his side

As soon as I saw him I fell to my knees 
and bowed my head and cried
He began to speak to me about his love 
and why he was crucified. 

I exclaimed “He is my resurrected King 
who died for me and covered my sins”
He said I have been written in the Lambs 
book of life and now your life truly begins 

Thank you Lord for your blood you shed to 
wash me clean as the driven snow
Then he vanished but I knew he was still 
with me and never would let me go.

The rain has stopped and the sun is 
shining brighter than I have ever seen or 
 So, I go outside to take the long walk back 
to fix the tire that was blown

But there it was parked out front with four 
new tires and fresh coat of paint
Then I realized your love is so vast no one 
could contain it or hold it in restraints

For you will never leave me nor forsake 
me and no one can take me from your 
loving hand
You are my salvation, my comforter and 
the solid rock of foundation on which I 