Rose Petals and Open Hearts
Vivid pictures of you & I are constantly running
circles through my mind
The times we shared when together are playing
on a loop in real time
These moments shine as bright spots tend to draw
attention in dark times
My reflection brings me joy in a real sense so when
I have to see in the dark I don't mind
What we have is infinite & like Gods mind it can never
be equaled in any sense
When we met I found my match & it sparked a flame
that's burn only for you ever since
You activated this light in my heart space that's burned
brightly ever since
The sight of you still gives me chills to this day
activating my passion in this sense
Rose petals and flower scents fill me with strong
emotions like a heavy heart
My emotions flow like electricity through open currents
& having you in mind creates sparks
My fire still burns for you despite the distance as no
one but you can ignite these sparks
You'll always be that eternal flame that never dies
because of your permanent place in my heart