Roses and Carnations
Roses and carnations, a lively
Imitation, of life’s full-bodied wine.
Different, yet parallel.
The embodiment of Cupid’s strike.
Riveting roses, sensual & aromatic.
Hourglass form, like lover’s hips
And crimson lips. She’s introverted,
Felicitous and faithful.
A dozen in her dainty hands,
A crown of beauty, bestowed.
Jealousy of upturned smiles,
Tremble around this delicate flower.
Roses and carnations, a lively
Imitation, of life’s full-bodied wine.
Different, yet parallel.
The embodiment of Cupid’s strike.
Coveted carnations, beheld.
Their colorful skirts - twirling,
exhaling & whirling. Hues
Of ruby, sapphire and pearl.
Posh petals of personality,
Adorned in grandeur’s golden portico.
One snipped, for his boutonnière.
Gaiety in her bridal bouquet.
Two lively hearts join in matrimony.
Roses and carnations, a lively
Imitation, of life’s full-bodied wine.
Different, yet parallel.
The embodiment of Cupid’s strike.
Julie Rodeheaver’s Roses and Carnations Contest