Love Poem: Rosey Thoughts
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Written by: Karen Jones

Rosey Thoughts

If I was a rose would you pick me
Despite my green thorns all sticky
Would you just place me near your nose
And breathe in my fragrance so bold

Would you have time to watch me grow
Would you mind if I had a soul
That was attached to vine on a picket fence
Would you take me or leave me to fend

For myself in the garden of lavender ladies
Where love grows green wild and crazy
Would you know me aside another
Would you hold only me take many floral lovers

If I was a character in your book
Who would I be would you look
Deep inside me despite my worn cover
Would you be charmed and disarmed by no other

If you knew me to be poison
Would you still drink me
And would last moments joy then
Still refresh like mint tea

If I wasn’t so pretty how could you see
The loving ditty romantic side of me and sing

There will always be a finer shape
Will always see a lovelier face
Will always seek more delicate grace
Will you always find beside me your only place