Love Poem: Runners "low"
Barbara Gorelick Avatar
Written by: Barbara Gorelick

Runners "low"

Tying my shoes ($$) for my morning run,
I think about quitting, I wish it were done.

Perhaps if I run at least a mile each way,
I won’t have to cry at what the scales say.

My breath comes in gasps, I look a freight,
The people I pass must laugh at my plight.

I would love to feel the wind in my face,
To do that though, I’d have to pick up the pace.

A few strides taken, my back starts to ache,
My joints are stiff, damn, give me a break.

Where is the euphoria I’m supposed to feel?
The “runners high” they say is part of the deal.

It never gets easier, a form of torture each time…
But hearing “way to go grandma!” is really sublime.