Love Poem: Runnin'
Stewart  Watkins  Avatar
Written by: Stewart Watkins



I been runnin' for a long time,
Been jumpin' o'er ditches and jukin' land minds

Up hills and through dark alleys, I been 

I managed to dodge some pitfalls and quicksand  along the way
But I ain't yet tired

Runnin',  just runnin' to be free
Runnin',  runnin' to truly be

I been runnin'

Runnin' in the night, with no lights
Through the mud, with no boots
And in the sun and rain, too

I been runnin', son
But I ain't yet tired

My legs ain't what they used to be
They ache a 'lil more these days and they don't bend like they used to

But I still got some runnin' to do
So, this run I must continue 'cause I ain't yet tired

Now, you keep runnin', too
And make sure to watch out for the ditches, quicksand and booby traps

And keep your head up during your run
And don't you quit; run on 'til your race is done