Running Backwards
I can't think of a poem, you override my brain.
My feelings for you will never change.
Don't get me mixed up with your actual boyfriend, he couldn't write a single love note
let alone give you his heart.
Don't talk to me don't even say my name!
The torture continues!
I can't stop hearing your name!
I'm being cut open like a frog.
They took my heart out,
I can still feel it beating.
I went from third base-getting ready to score, to second-just waiting to be stranded on
a far away island. First base is the worst, just waiting for someone to come through
and take me away from this place called Reality.
Back at home plate, wishing he would just hit my head with the ball so all this pain
would just end.
I'll show you what I mean, one day, but not today.