Russet Red Vision At the Edge of the Green Creek
Scabbard symbol enchanted flowers opal potion milky skin
Gold-embroidered purple robe , green eyes flashing stars.
Beautiful faintly beeswax smell in village meadow chamber
Horse's necklace "clack! clack! clack" sleek coat bobbed tail.
Velvet lined rose queen , green tree snake salty evening air
Tea tree branch , topiary mazes , old Kingdom noonday sun.
Fresh dawn , wood ash , surrounding woods, veil of mist
Twisting and turning , sliding and re-arranging themselves
slender fingers pulled the needle back and forth on the loom
Nuzzling against his face an eager lip/nostril whiffling noise
Ice crystals etched along its blade felt the glow of his spirit
took a deep breath voice tiny siver bell with a high sweet note.
Brightly wrapped box he suddenly smiled a number of times
Wispy tendrils of red curls straggled free of their satin ribbon
She paused to feed a thread of scarlet into the pattern of blue.
They continued up the hill , beyond the ridge they saw the King
riding , his amber-coloured stallion charged ahead of his men
at the edge of the creek , green with ferns and rich moist moss.