Love Poem: Rutt
Vivian Brazier Avatar
Written by: Vivian Brazier


You dont have time for conversation,
You dont have time to explain a situation,
I have to ask you how it was, or how did it go, because you never tell me you just expect me to know,
You dont come in and say hi, there just went another day pass by.
Everyday we get further from each other, maybe not realising there goes another. Days we will never get back, fooling ourselves not seeing the crack, separating what was one into 2 and eventually there will be ME  and there will be you.
All we needed was to talk, to communicate and work with each other, but to hard it was, to take the time, so now this is yours and that is mine.
For you to go left and me to go right trying to avoid each other as not to fight. 
You ask why and i finally tell, just to get it thrown back in my face as a well!
Its always my fault , you hate on me, i see it in your face or your voice filled with negativity.
You avoid me as much as you can, making me feel worse about the situation, make me feel really small like something under your feet to i finally crawl back and retreat. Every word forgotten, every look disappeared until next time garanteed to appear, you like me again for a minute untill you dont need me again only to do things like start the dishes. I have become empty and wonder what this is about my mind playing tricks on me filling me with doubt.
Doubt about who i am, or where ive been, these places i once seen, the great people ive met and the things ive done, to now be here stuck in this confused, self destructive rutt.