Sachwa & Percepthany come at nights moons bright light,
there love for each other is forbidden,
but that does not stop them,
he grabs her strongly and tells her not to worry,
they are both of age bound by their ancestry,
but both ignore,
the gently waves crash up against them,
there tan bodies under the moon and water,
the drops shining like something you would see in a movie,
he holds her so that she can feel his strength,
lies her down in the sand,
lips full, hard to be inside thee,
lovers they begin to bound thee,
Percepthany cried out, Sachwa I love thee, but
how could we be, he told her to look to the moon,
and said the gods are with us. Both heard something start to go by,
they looked over to see a blue eyed wolf staring at them, the moon cast
a glow on both of them to see, the gods really were with thee,
they both lay their together bound by true love, and then all of a sudden
the chief shadow was going by and he could he the dance of acceptance
from all and Sachwa knew he approved finally. So they dance through the
night with the love they hold knowing they would be together forever,
with the wolf watching by their side and the
moon and water binding them forever together.