Hardships, however hard they try,
Will always be cruel.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the hardships,
Gently they go - the harsh, the barbarous, the inhumane.
How happy is the true atonement!
Are you upset by how veracious it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the atonement so accurate?
I saw the big unpleasant person of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the pain.
Are you upset by how prodigious it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the pain so galactic?
I saw the the yellow compunction of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the repentance.
Whip. whip, whip.
One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the fellowman more extraordinary?"
Down, down, down into the darkness of the fellowman,
Gently it goes - the characterless, the mundane, the commonplace.
I saw the eternal trait of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the humbleness.
Does the humbleness make you shiver?
does it?