Love Poem: Sacred Heart
Louis Borgo Avatar
Written by: Louis Borgo

Sacred Heart

if love was the shackle of humanity how would one illustration 
The pulse, the beat and cause and effect of sure a 
Phenomenon would one point this way? 
Laughter ache movement turns what turn a false it to 
Tilt water so simply 
If we are to confess if we are to consume 
How does the water movement in conjunction or 
Loss values often moves
Turn of century rise of a moon a off and on switch 
Does it happen over night or revolt to a new conclusion 
Then how did one off spring come to matter
A turn or a smirk how does it make one feel
Is feeling a lack of emotion or lack of professing 
Who am one to judge or deem to dismiss
Honor or glory capture for a year man or chump who claim 
Such glory passion or rusk does it ring a bell but at the end of a 
Battle who is deem a winner what lesson has been 
Told or point for point discrete.