Love Poem: Sacred Reunion
Robertina B. Avatar
Written by: Robertina B.

Sacred Reunion

He vanished without a trace..
Left her when she needed him most..
Airwaves of shock..
Filled the air
A shattered broken heart..
Crumbled into many pieces..
Facing her vulnerabilities..
She awakened in a cold sweat
Repetitive scenes of a nightmare
Day and night of excessive visions of his unexpected departure..

She prayed daily..
She prayed effortlessly
She had shed many tears..
Discernment had arrived..
She suffered so..
Suffering cannot be measured..
One's suffering is only their own..
Just is..
It was..
It had occured..

She imagined a sacret reunion..
She envisioned the love of her life..
Without bitterness and hurt..
Embraced the moment..

A sacret reunion..
His voice still spoke to her..
Disguised as the wind..
Two beating hearts..
The power of love turning into bliss..

A sacred reunion..
Visions of her beloved
Had grown so rapidly..
Many vines..
The vines of her beating heart..

A sacred reunion ..
She yearned for..
Awaited for..
A burning desire..
For two beating hearts..

Time had passed..
He was still gone..
The sacred reunion was alive and well..
Only in the depths of her soul..
It continued to flourish..

A sacred reuinion did survive..
Lived inside her heart and soul..