Love Poem: Sacrifice
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Written by: Eric Boddie


this was written nearly 11 years ago....

by: Eric L. Boddie

One score, eight and one years ago

From my mother came the child in which only goodness could grow

One score, eight and one years prior

God sent the one who would lead this child to the Messiah

For all that I am, everything I have become

The credit belongs to her, she allowed His Will to be done

She didn’t spare the rod, therefore, she didn’t spare the child

She made sure that in Him, I would never show denial

In all of my struggles, she has been my strength

She made me understand that, with man, I’m neither above nor beneath

She taught me how to love, the greatest power of the heart

She showed me the beauty of respect, the place where love starts

She fed me with knowledge, the foundation of the wise

She allowed me to be myself, the reason I can’t be systemized

She urged me not to lie, cheat or steal, and her efforts didn’t fail

She kept the devil off me until I was able to fight my own battles with hell

She taught me to be responsible and work for the things I desire

She showed me that to truly survive, Faith is all that I require

She provided me with food, clothing and shelter when I didn’t have my own

And if I were in need on this day, I know she would provide me with a home

She has given every bit of herself, just for the sake of my life

She was my first love on this Earth, she’s the assistant to Jesus Christ