Sacrificed My Beliefs
i have sacrificed so much for that family
but when i am with my love i dont feel like
i am trapped by what i dont want
i have been set free just by finding the love
of my life and not everyone is happy all they
want is to see me miserable, alone and scared
i have sacrificed all that i believe in and now its time to stop
to be who i was born to be and stop doing what they want from me
before now i couldn't see what was happening
and now i dont care what happens to me i will
do anything in my power to save who i love
now since my eyes have been opened i see so
many things that have been messed up in my life
all i want is to go on and live my life with my husband
i have sacrificed all that i believe in and now its time to stop
to be who i was born to be and stop doing what they want from me
now i am at the point of my life where i
want to do what i feel is right and stop the
little kid games that so many are playing
you know everyone has to grow up at
some point and do what you have to do
to get what you need and want out of life
i have sacrificed so much in my life all i need to do is to start believing what
i was taught as a child by my mother and it is time to be who i was born to be and
live like i was suppose to and not let anyone to distract me from the truth now