Sad Goodbye
It was early morn when my arms still around her chest
Couldn’t let go for I know I’ll be gone at eight or less
We sat on a bench I felt her embrace with might
We stayed like this arms in arms talked about days gone right
I’ve asked a porter to take a picture of us
So if grief builds I’ll just look the picture of us
Time is near but she said stay so I stayed for a time
I’ve wished for that moment slowed and time to be mine
But it never did, never was
We were like couples and lovers but never be
We are friends but more than a couple or lovers
We love each other but couldn’t be lovers
For we are best of friends and this is a Goodbye
I look at her thought how to live without her shine
A Tear fell from me she notice and tears filled her too
I wiped her tears and hug her “I’m going” I said
She hug me even tighter “I’ll miss you” she said
With a kiss in the lips, in tears I’ve walked away
I didn’t looked back for my heart wanted to stay
The plane took off and grief of sorrow filled my soul
Though I’ve dried my tears my heart will forever cry