Love Poem: Sad Man's Lullaby
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Written by: Jerry Earl Ballard

Sad Man's Lullaby

As I've once have seen, tears fall down the face,
Of a lonely treasured man,
I meet realities with him through the swallow of the lament river,
Swarming of gold through from his bright tears

He's raised to believe,
Love will come, and eventually leaves,
in an underlying pain, unable to take back once its been obtained

“I will never fall in love” he says with low breath,
Those speechless words lacking its meaning,
droplets of his lumen tears blends in the sorrowful river,
those feelings he come to have was never provoked until he felt quiver 

He walks through the path, through his lonely empty dreams
“One day I, to roll” he says as he somewhat feel in his words bold
But it only lasts within the lifespan of a rose
Once to become strong until it's time is froze

The man has no more confessions to say to God,
As he feel in his lone somewhat he is strong,
With the hum of despair and whistle of madness,
The symphonic radiance escaping his lips murmurs in his song.