Sad Puppy
When I stare into your eyes
I see a pure version of me
Because that’s how you see me
The pure angel
That lies in us all
You broke me heart
I tried letting go
By giving you the present you gave me
2 days after Valentines Day
He gave me a pink and white bear
I was so happy
I made sure
That nothing bad happened to it
I took it everywhere
I made sure it was right by my side at night
I had to let go of the person I loved
So I gave him back
The thing I held dear
The thing that represented how much I truly loved him
Without actually telling him
It was hard
Trying to let go
I still love him
So I haven’t accomplished the task
I wonder what’s going to happen next
Since he already let go
And I haven’t
I guess
I’m the abandon puppy
In the street
While rain
Pours down my body
Wearing a sign that says Adopt me
Save me
But now
No one will