Love Poem: Safe harbor
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Written by: Jennifer Rushing

Safe harbor

She bore the weight of a stormy past,
Waves of sorrow that forever cast.
He carried burdens, heavy and deep,
Scars that whispered, secrets to keep.
They met in twilight, where shadows collide,
Two souls adrift, seeking a place to hide.
In shared glances, a silent plea,
A yearning for solace, a longing to be free.
He offered her shelter, a safe, quiet space,
She brought him sunshine, erasing every trace
Of the darkness that lingered, the pain they'd endured,
Together they healed, their love was assured.
In his arms, she found a haven of peace,
A place where her worries could finally cease.
His touch, a gentle balm on her wounded soul,
A love that mended, making her whole.
She was his beacon, his guiding light,
Leading him away from the darkest night.
Her laughter, a melody that filled his heart,
A love that blossomed, a brand new start.
No longer alone, their burdens they shared,
A bond unbreakable, beyond compare.
In stolen moments, their spirits took flight,
Two wounded hearts, finding their guiding light.
They faced the world, hand in hand they'd stand,
Their love a fortress, built on shifting sand.
Together they weathered life's every storm,
Their safe harbor, keeping them warm.
In the tapestry of life, their threads entwined,
A story of love, beautifully defined.
From darkness to light, their journey complete,
In each other's arms, their sanctuary sweet.