Love Poem: Saffron Glow

Saffron Glow

I spent my day shopping for rubies,
Deemed they would bring luck in life.
Decided to buy a pair of ruby ear-rings as
I wished to gift them to my wife. 

I stepped into a jewelry stores. 
At once, I was perplexed.
Found the gems in myriad red colors.
The task of picking caused me to be vexed.

It was the most awaiting special day.
To her, the casket was gifted.
She shrugged her shoulders in surprise
And asked what it was with her eye-brows lifted.

When the casket was opened, 
Discerned a fine saffron glow, 
Mistook it the crimson of ruby rings
But it was of her rosy cheeks, how lucky to know!

First Line Prompt - 3 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by:       Julia Ward 
Date: 13-07-2020
place : Honorable Mention