Salty Wine
The wine in my glass
Salted by my tears
The blood from my heart
Pumps a million fears...
And day upon day
Becomes year upon years...
All this time,
I had to know...
Where you were,
And does time flow...
As slow for you,
As it has for me?
And will there ever come
A day that we...
Will speak again,
Will share our love
In wonderment
Of the stars above
And now it has
Come to pass
I share this world again
With the lass
Who's beauty lies
Inside and out,
And from the rooftop,
I long to shout...
"Thank You God!
Thank You so!"
You have brought her back
And now I know...
The flame still burns,
Burns so bright...
It turns away
The black of night...
And so I say
Miracles do come to me
See the Golden Light
And the love that must be.