Salvation Stairs
“Let there be;” the prelude to creation
“Let us make man;” an imitation
“Let thou subdue the earth;” not an invasion
“Let thou not eat;” humanity in examination
Enticing oh! Sweet bitter fruit of Eden
Enhancing the knowledge of good and evil even
Explicated in the seductive words of the forsaken
Enticingly dreadful, namby-pamby humanity have fallen
Now, salvation plan still conceived
Nest, Israel a people adopted
New prophets on the stage performed
Natch! Salvation plan delivered
There in Bethlehem the baby in manger
Then in Canaan, water turned win in a jar
Through Galilee, the evangelization prosper
Thus, in Jerusalem the saviour’s sepulcher
Entering graves womb at death
Navigating hell to its depth
Dawn wakes him on the third day from the earth
Salvation debt paid to procure new birth