Love Poem: SAME TEAM
Jim Yerman Avatar
Written by: Jim Yerman


Before a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire or flood…
we seem to have evolved into the kind of society…
that sees as an enemy anyone with whom we disagree.

Politics, religion, the right to choose, gender identity,….
we position ourselves on opposite sides…and see the other side as our enemy.

Before Mother Nature unleashes her wrath and fury our way
we have a tendency to let our fear, our prejudices and our hate…
lead our hearts astray.

However, when Mother Nature is angry, saddened or aggrieved…
her hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes fires and floods
don’t care what side we’re on…what we do or don’t believe.

And after she devastates us with her earthquakes, fire or weather
we tend to forget how we are enemies as we all come together.

We put away our differences, our disagreements, our hatred and our madness…
with one shared goal…to come to the aid of anyone in need…
and help to ease their sadness.

Yes, after Mother Nature wreaks havoc on our land our seas and shores
our compassion and our love for one another 
reminds us what our hearts were created for,

I only wish it wouldn’t take Mother Nature 
shattering peoples lives and hopes and dreams
to remind us we should not be enemies…
that we’re all on the same team.