(Kyrielle Sonnet)*
I coax him with my baby talk,
then he begins his fishy walk.
He wiggles and waggles his tail,
he flutters his fins without fail.
His coat of blue, purple and green
flashes and shimmers a vivid sheen.
You can tell he's a normal male,
he flutters his fins without fail.
He waits until I walk away
to forage for his food today.
While spewing bubbles in his trail,
he flutters his fins without fail.
I coax him with my baby talk,
he flutters his fins without fail.
*Samu, a pet Japanese Beta fish, lived three (3) years,
which, according to the pet store owner, was a record.
My theory: With all living creatures, love works wonders.
And love, as always, is expressed in many ways. Unable
to hold him, physically pet him, I communicated my love
to him in words, to which he responded physically.