Love Poem: Sand of Time
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Written by: Jan Oskar Hansen

Sand of Time

Sand of Time 
I was on my way to the doss house near the railway station,
 it was quarter to eight -had to be in by eight or lose my bed-, 
when I saw her in the restaurant talking to her brother, they
shared a bottle of wine. My god, she was as beautiful as ever.
And since it was dark outside I reckoned she didn’t see me, 
her brother looked out; perhaps he recognized me because 
he bent towards her and whispered something, but before 
she could look up I had disappeared into shadows. It was now 
ten to eight I ran to the doss house run by The Salvation Army.
 I could only have a shower once a week and had been wearing 
the same suit for a long time. It was a grey worn suit, but it gave 
me a sense that I had some dignity left.  However deep a person 
falls, he can get up again and in time buy a new suit. This evening 
remembering my time of wretchedness, and it struck me I can no 
longer remember her face.