Sandbox Love
She was my sandbox love,
When we were just kids
The one I dared to eat dirt
My hero, when she did
My enemy, when she said
Your turn now and I double dog dare
You eat some dirt
And that dead worm over there
She wore pink tennis shoes,
And her hair in pigtails
We were dreamers with wings
living life on a dare
My sandbox love and I
Testing our limits,
Running wild and free
Little girls play dress up,
Boys just destroy things
She’d say, I am Princess,
You are a Prince
I had a smile on my face
Thinking of my sweet revenge
The next day I’ll be a firey dragon,
she’ll be a witch, that I’ll eat end
There in the sandbox, we gave our spit pledges
Promising each other, our love would last forever
Her family moved away and I’d not seen her since
But I honor my pledge each day I reminisce
My sandbox love, you - I’ll never forget