Love Poem: Sandcastle
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Written by: Vandy Saylors


We met upon life's golden beach
Saw a future, bright as the noonday sun
Hanging overhead
Bathing us with warmth and love

Upon these cinnamon sands we began
A monument to our newfound love
Our castle grew with us
Additions made
Each more stunning than the one before

Through trials that came like waves
Battered though we were
Our union survived each test
Each trial 
Each tribulation
Our castle in the sand held fast

Yet the storms of life and love come fast and hard
The brightness of day yields to night
Castles made of sand, no matter their magnificence
Eventually melt back into the sea
Succumb to Mother Oceans tidal whimsies
Vanished forever beneath her mighty waves

We fought against her fury
Til the futility of our battle 
Overwhelmed our will to fight

Sometimes the pain of holding on
Is worse than that

Of letting go.