Sapere Aude
What is Freedom?
What is Love?
In the questions
There is the answer.
But is it safe to say
they now belong to this part
of the world: TUNISIA?
But see, can Freedom come about
without Love?
Can Love obtain and entertain
without Freedom?
Can paths of Life cross again
without decoded signs of Love
encoded in signs of hatred?
Seekers of Truth,
The Freedom we seek to seize
is Freedom with Love.
Neither more nor less.
For never has darkness
concealed sparkling stars above.
And Flowers have never come
and gone without a promise of spring.
Brothers of Truth,
Enough is enough of fears.
Enough is enough of tears.
Keep the Love of Truth.
Keep the Freedom of souls.
Keep the beautiful Revolution
Of Hearts against the scams
of tamed minds and have
The courage to use your own
Understanding: "Sapere aude".
Chokri Omri