Love Poem: Sappho Translations VII
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Written by: Michael Burch

Sappho Translations VII

Sappho Translations VI by Michael R. Burch

Sappho, fragment 52
translation by Michael R. Burch

you came to my house
to sing for me.

I come to you
to return the favor.

Talk to me. Do.
Sweet talk,
I love the flavor!

Please send away your maids
and let us share a private heaven-

Sappho, fragment 134
translation by Michael R. Burch

Selene came to Endymion in the cave,
made love to him as he slept,
then crept away before the sun could prove
its light and warmth the more adept.

Sappho, fragment 48
translation by Michael R. Burch

You did well to come and I yearned for you.
Though I burned with desire, you cooled my fevered mind.

Sappho, fragment 9
translation by Michael R. Burch

Mere breath,
words I command
are nevertheless immortal.

Sappho, fragment 146
translation by Michael R. Burch

No droning bee,
nor even the bearer of honey
for me!

Neither the honey
nor the bee
for me!

Sappho, fragment 119
translation by Michael R. Burch

We brought the urn aboard the barge, inscribed:
This is the dust of Timas,
whom Persephone received, unwed, into her bedchamber,
for whom her fellowmaidens in mourning
slashed their soft curls with sharpened blades.

Sappho, fragment 21
translation by Michael R. Burch

A purple scarf shadowed your face—
a cherished gift from Timas,
sent from Phocaea.

Sappho, fragment 290 
translation by Michael R. Burch

Dancing rhythmically, with light feet,
the Cretan women thronged the altar,
trampling circles in the fine soft flowering grass.

Sappho, fragment 128
translation by Michael R. Burch

Come join us, tender Graces
and lovely-haired Muses,
in our ecstatic dances!

Sappho, fragment 111
translation by Michael R. Burch

Raise the rafters, carpenters.
Hoist high the roof-beams!

Hymen Hymenaeus!

Here comes the bridegroom,
statuesque as Ares!

Hymen Hymenaeus!

Sappho, fragment 112
translation by Michael R. Burch

Lucky bridegroom,
your wedding day has finally arrived
and your alluring bride is your heart’s desire!

Sappho, fragment 57a
translation by Michael R. Burch

Aphrodite's handmaid, resplendent in gold,
Hecate, Queen of Darkness untold!

Sappho, fragment 63
translation by Michael R. Burch

Last night, Cyprian,
you and I clashed (s)words
in my dreams.

Sappho, fragment 48
translation by Michael R. Burch

Now I know why Eros,
of all the gods’ offspring,
is most blessed.

Keywords/Tags: wedding, bride, house, heaven, talk, bee, honey, sing, song