Satan Hates Everything That God Loves
Satan HATES everything that God loves!
He tries to counterfeit everything he does!
He goes about as a lion, seeking whom to devour!
He comes after us! But God alone has the power!
Satan will twist God’s truth, into a corruptible lie!
He has one mission!
And that is to see you die!
He wants to enslave you into deep addictions!
And bring into your life, unneeded afflictions!
He has one purpose, ambition and goal…
Is to seek eternal damnation of your very soul!
Jesus has come! His TRUTH can set you free!
He has come that you may have life abundantly!
Won’t you accept him? You can overcome!
Through the shed blood, and power of God’s son!
All glory to Jesus! All praise to
HIM on high!
He is your protector!
He is El-Shaddai!
Won’t you allow God’s love
to bring you salvation?
He offers it to right now!
A heavenly invitation!
God’s love is stronger than Satan!
HE reigns supreme!
He can help you to overcome,
the lies the devil brings!
By Jim Pemberton