Satan Is the Hater of Goodness
Satan is the hater of goodness and Holy Books;
He roams our earth to snatch souls with deceit...
can you recognize Him behind beautiful looks?
Many have lost their life to lust,
greed, vengeance, murder and envy:
will you be the next one in tumult?
Creators of offensive lyrics and demonic music
have made Him their obsolete Master...
are you worshiping Him and turned frantic?
He will not influence my thoughts and words,
because His ways are the ways of distraught...
I'm freed from deception and false lords.
Satan is the hater of goodness...
look around, His influence is seen everywhere:
in the Visual Arts, posters and ads.
Will we be His devoted followers...becoming His puppets?
He wouldn't be happy to lose that fierce battle
against God and the believers He can't manage on strings.