Satan Told Me What I Have Isn'T Good Enough
Satan Told Me: “What I Have Isn’t Good Enough!”
I heard the devil whisper some words into my ear…
“What you have isn’t good enough!” “Come over here!”
In front of me, where temptations of various kinds...
At first, it was almost overwhelming for my mind!
He promised something “better” than what I already had!
He said that if I did what he wanted… I’d be happy and glad!
I thought about how the Lord has blessed the way I’m livin.’
The life I once lived… And HIS power of forgivin.’!
Was I going to trade all of this, for a life of bondage and sin?
Perhaps having a form of Godliness,
but no freedom within?
Was I going to trade what God gave,
for a ”pleasure of the moment?”
Was I about to make a mockery of Christ’ atonement?
I ran to the nearest room. And bowed my head and cried…
For a brief moment, I felt rejected and despised!
Just then, I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence all around me!
And then, it was like the love of Jesus had filled me!
This time, I knew that what I had was all that I needed!
With Christ in my life, I no longer have to be defeated!
Satan is a liar! He has one purpose and goal!
He wants nothing more, than to destroy my soul!
Take notice Satan! This is what I proclaim!
Everything I’ll ever need! I have in Jesus’ name!
The blessings from Jesus, has supplied my every need!
It’s an everlasting and abundant life, that I received!
Thank you Jesus! For giving what I need and much more!
You are truly God’s son!
And are worth living for!
By Jim Pemberton