Saturated In My Passion
Come come come and dance with me
Come come come and sing with me
A sweet aroma is churning in the air
enchanting everyone far and near
Nature is emitting goose bumps upon my flesh
And I can hear the sound of the spiritual drums
delivering a message across the deep blue sea
for you to come and dine with me
Come come come and laugh with me
Take off your convent robe embrace yourself
and meet me in the middle of the road
and wrap your powerful arms around me
How much I am yearning for your tender touch
When I look at you I often blush
but underneath there is deep sensory meaning
Life is blooming around me and the angels are protecting me
But the forces are still bothering me
I am determined to push them back
with prayer power might and everything that I 'ave got
I have been searching for more than a week
For something dynamic to appease my heart beat
And today I saw it singing and dancing in nature
Bright yellow flowers springing up everywhere
lightening up the atmosphere with a message
that thrill hearts amuse souls and
dig to the core of their stubborn bones
playing ping-pong on conscience and
rebuking them for their terrible judgement
exposing their heart rhythm and deep thinking
I could feel your compassionate touch
with a smile that is warmhearted and divine
But when I turned around you suddenly disappeared
I lost myself among the tall grass and let go of everything
Then something slowly creeps in elevating me to an elated position
Causing the murmuring few to surrender and suport me
The queen in her parlor is satisfied with me
and send a note to congratulate me
I stood among yellow and purple flowers that outgrew my statue
I released my soul into something that is dynamic and bold
I drench myself among the wild marigold
while honey bee gather around
sucking nectar from pollen flowers
The softness of your strong hand
could not withstand the power of the holy one
Your passion overpowered me
And cool breeze is romancing with me
I am imbued in nature
soaked up with passion dripping from your purple robe
I wasn't the only on feeling this warmth
All of a sudden a lot of women emerged up in bushy park
men and children start riding to and fro
They did not know which way to go
I don't know if the flowers attracted them
or they were curious about me
Perhaps they were indeed sent
But they blended in quite well
What ever it was nature permated itself all over me
bringing joy to the strong weak and lonely
On the other side someone else was sharing this bliss
A woman in a child's body sat in a wheel chair
among the bright yellow flowers reading a book
she blended in nature and I could sense a healing power
Further up the track children screamed and shouted in the park
Others somersaulted on the grass
and life was once again evident in the city
The sun is shining on me and my passion is driving me to the sky
I have finally found my tempo and I have a strong platform
to deliver something that is sound and proper
What a beautiful day.