Saturated In Sentiments
Saturate me sweetheart, sweet smiles shall be seen-
Skin to skin sated in slow songs sung with safety.
Show shores of sand sparing storms from smoke,
solitude shall sever, seized shall be sinister shade.
See the sunset shine with sharp showers of splendor,
sparkling stardust shall shimmer in the skyline that
sheen summits sit upon seeking only silver silence.
Stretch our supreme satisfaction of sensuality, speak
syllables of seamless sympathy when sadness stuns
my struggle without superior strength. Stimulate my
senses with seasons of Spring and Summer, seeking
sincerity and suitable symmetry. Soar with strong
sanctification, sowing seeds of spiritual sublime, and
serene souls shall spark. Your solicitude sends sunbeams
down my spine.
Savor me, sweetheart; stay sovereign and still-
saturate me, sensitive sentiments can shrill.
Date written: March 26, 2019