Save Me From This Cycle.
All these things that I wanted to change
I was going be the perfect girlfriend
Smile all the time
Never let you down
Be the princess worth the time
Worth the saving.
Worth something
And now here it goes again
A vicious cycle him and I couldn’t escape
Until it was too late.
A cycle full of hate, taunts, jokes
A cycle full of ugly lies and mistakes
Now that you and me are starting it up
I want to go back to lying in the tower alone
I want to hide my face and cry.
I want you to rescue me from myself.
I want to be saved
I want the cycle to stop.
I want the cycle to end.
I wish it never would have come to this.
I wish we never would have began
If all it means,
Is losing myself to you
And beating the relationship down
Because of me.
I love you
But I want to love me too.