Love Poem: Saved
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


It was in the broken wing, that the bird found it’s dream
It was in the reluctant thought, that the mind knew hope
It was in the tender petal, that the dew melted gentleness
It was in the dark despair, that the mind was moved to care
It was in the silent tear, that the heart sang beauty so real
It was in the laughing smile, that the miracle would sit awhile
It was in the richest peace, that the sun shined its serenity
It was in the kindliest light, that the reflection held its enthusiasm
It was in the purest truth, that the soul realized its worth
It was in the sinner turned saint, that His grace was poured out
It was in the greatest love, that His wonder colored me free
It was in the melody’s touch, that I knew the meaning of praise
It was in the softest whisper, that my prayer found its answer
It was in the Son’s cross, that my broken heart was destined…

To uncover the meaning of forgiveness and love, His great plan
To guide us home, to the promised land – through the faith in Him,
The Son who came to give each soul a reason, a meaning, a way…
Through the darkness, through the pain – rescuing souls, inspiring
Souls to believe, so that we will finally know the meaning of God’s grace –
At the center of God’s will, where our hearts can finally be free – and SAVED!