Saved My Life
I went back into that dark, dark place
Were demons dwell
Lives are taken away
Through the pain
Through the tears
You were there and kept me near.
You saved my life by loving me;
Your silent strength was the key.
Gentle touches and silent words
Let me know that love was the cure.
Depression is my evil curse,
When it planted the seed of death
Your love washed it away
Gave me the strength
To seek the help I needed to keep it at bay.
I’ve walked that dark path so many times
I’ve done lost track,
Things have change
And God’s given me a special tool
To help me through,
I have you and Joshua too,
Rooted deeper is the knowledge
Both of you want me to stay a little longer.
So like a drug addict that has lost their way
I start the road back to brighter days,
There are not enough words to say
I Love You
In every way
May God bless us ever day.