Saving Me
Sweltering hot stars melt the distant thoughts
With laughter and a twinkling gaze, flickering
Coloring the night in hues of tangerine and rose
Music whispering on the silhouettes of light
Reflected on calm, cool waters who flow clear
On the edge of forests stuffed with oak and pine
Poison ivy climbing the edges of shadows, kissing
Moonbeams with tender affection so warm and kind
Joy this divine reminds me why His love inspires me
To inscribe dreams ~ Poetic leaves, windswept
Free as His gift of grace
Hallelujah, Hallelujah… Joy screams through the silence
Lingering on the miracle of a feeling so real and rare
A feeling flushed with yearning and passionate promises
Nurturing the soul with a harvest of kindness and hope
Love that is His greatest gift, His embrace come down
To hug my soul with tears running like raindrops across
Petals and cheeks, painting a portrait of glorious faith
Through the darkness that intends to haunt the heart
Yet finds itself unable to resist the urgency of a dream
Dividing the senses into breathless sensations of beliefs
Gentling the wild desire of a curious young cub
Changing it to innocence which calms and soothes
Blends truth, wisdom, peace and honest prayer
To assure the heart of the gift
Unconditional love sent to remind us
We are His – Children of God
And He is living inside us
A guiding light
Hallelujah, Hallelujah … His gift of love is powerful
Mightier than the most violent tornado
Potent as the poison on a viper’s tongue
Vigorous and influential like the Creator
Who knows our hearts and souls, all our thoughts
Even down to the last breath or touch
And He knows we will eventually face Him
The One who knows us best and gives us mercy
Through the Holy Spirit who fights for us
Reminding us of the One who died for us
And continues to abide with us ~ Eternally
A part of us we need more than we need to breathe
He is the risen Savior and He is my everything!